WashU’s online student information system is called WebSTAC (web-based student access system). WebSTAC provides students with access to certain academic and billing information. In addition, students may update limited data fields, such as addresses and phone numbers.


Setting up your account

During Orientation:

  1. Use WEBSTAC to change your PIN to a more memorable number, if you prefer
  2. Enter address/phone/email: Address (including email) and telephone number information must be entered during this orientation week so that you can receive communication from the Medical School administration.
  3. Enter any directory information restrictions
  4. Verify parent/guardian information: It is important to verify parent/guardian information so we will have an alternate contact in case of emergency.

System access

Students from all medical and allied health programs may access WebSTAC from

  • From your personal computer by visiting http://acadeinfo.wustl.edu/WebSTAC.asp
  • Any of these locations:
    • Becker Medical Library
    • Health Administration, 4547 Clayton
    • Occupational Therapy, 4444 Forest Park
    • Physical Therapy, 4444 Forest Park, 1st floor
    • Becker Medical Library, 6th floor
    • 24-hour Student Computing Lab, 277 McDonnell Sciences Building

MD students may also access WebSTAC from a workstation in room 100 of the McDonnell Sciences Building. There is no printer capability at this site.

About your PIN

To gain entry to the private record functions on the WEBSTAC system, you must enter your student identification number and a four-digit personal identification number (PIN) number. Your Student Identification Number (SIDN) is your social security number or, in some cases, a nine-digit assigned student number.

You should NEVER release your SIDN or PIN to any other individual. These numbers control on-line access to your private record information, including grades and account data. Divulging your access numbers undermines the security of such private data and is prohibited the the Confidentiality Nondisclosure Agreement you signed with the School of Medicine.

New students are advised of their assigned PIN numbers during orientation. You can verify your SIDN and PIN at your program office or the WashU Medicine Registrar’s Office. Because of the confidentiality of these numbers, you must present a valid picture ID, such as Washington University Student ID card or a drivers license.

Navigating in WebSTAC

Medical and graduate allied program student may use the following menu items:

= requires login with SIDN and PIN required

    • GRADES*
    • PIN

*Prints in a formal report format with institution name, document title and date for student use

Certain screens within the record system will require your input of semester codes. These codes are formatted by year for medical students and by semester for allied health program or other students. Year entries are formatted as YR01 (Fall 2001 and Spring 2002); Semester entries are formatted as FL01 (Fall 2001) or SP02 (Spring 2002).

Public information

Once you are at the initial WebSTAC screen, you will notice a black and white menu to the left. This menu is used to select Course Listings information. Once you select the Course Listings option by clicking on it, an expanded menu will appear. The All Courses choice allows you to view a historic listing of all courses ever offered at the School of Medicine. The Courses by Semester choice permits you to view a list of courses offered during a particular semester or school year at the medical school.

Private record access

At the intial WebSTAC screen, you can alternately input your Student ID ( without hyphens) and PIN numbers to access any of your private record information. To maintain the confidentiality of your PIN, it will not appear when typed.

It is important that you enter both your Student ID and PIN numbers correctly. After five incorrect entries, you will be denied further system access for the day. This additional system precaution assumes that with five failed attempts someone other than you is attempting to access your account.

Please be aware that the WebSTAC system menu will also be your exit point from the system. If you are using a public access terminal, you should always quit the system using the LOGOUT icon. This will guarantee that the next user will not have access to your record.

WebSTAC contents

View Account Balance: Check your financial student account, including tuition, parking fees, payments made, etc…

Class Schedule: View current courses with times/buildings/rooms if building/room data is catalogued on the system

Student Record Printout: A summary of all your record information contained on WebSTAC. View/print all course and grade data by semester and year. All address information is printed as well.

Address: Change address and/or phone number listings. Restrict or exclude this information from on-line directories and the Ternion. Address changes and restrictions must be entered by August 28 each year for the information to be reflected in campus directories.

Email Address: View and change your email address listing and specify whether it should be released to the public.

Information Restrictions: Restrict the publication and distribution of record information, including addresses and phone numbers. You may exclude yourself from appearing in the Ternion, the fall directory, if you restrict information by August 28. You may also restrict individual items, including local, home and email addresses/phones, division, and year of graduation. Restriction of items also affects their appearance in any on-line campus directories.

For details For details regarding directory information definition and the University policy related to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, please refer to the HELP screen under “Information Restrictions”.

Change PIN Number: Change your assigned PIN number to another four-digit number that you will more easily remember.

Course Listings: See a list of courses offered by school, department, and level. First year medical students can view the Selective courses being offered for the current academic year. First year selectives are available at YR01, M04 department


There is an extended help facility available in WebSTAC. If you have any questions about system/screen data or the policies covering WebSTAC, click on the WebSTAC INSTRUCTIONS icon on the Medical School web page before entering the system or USING THE NEW WEBSTAC once you enter the system.