Doctor of Medicine Supplemental Transcript Information

Starting with the 2020-2021 academic year, the Gateway Curriculum was implemented and consists of three phases over four calendar years.

Beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year, the MD program transitioned from clock hours to credit hours.

Grading System:

CR/NCR = Credit or No Credit

DF = Deferred/Deficiency (marginal performance with some deficiency that must be removed

E = Temporary grade pending make-up of exam

F = Fail (clearly unsatisfactory performance)

H = Honors (for truly outstanding performance)

HP = High Pass (for very good work)

CMP = Competent

NCP = Not Competent

CPD = Competent with Distinction

I = Incomplete (course work has not been completed)

NG = Course credit earned; students not graded

P = Pass (for satisfactory work)

S = Satisfactory progress for this academic period, course continues in subsequent academic period

W = Withdrawal

Competencies: For the purposes of the final competency outcomes, students are assigned a grade based upon aggregated performance across the phase. 

Phase 1:  Competent (CMP) and Not-Competent (NCP) will be recorded for each competency domain.

Foundational Knowledge for Practice

Patient Care

Interpersonal & Communication Skills


Practice-Based Learning & Improvement

Phase 2: The six competency domains will have one of the following outcomes recorded.

Patient Care (CMP, NCP, CPD)

Foundational Knowledge for Practice (CMP, NCP, CPD)

Interpersonal & Communication Skills (CMP, NCP, CPD)

Professionalism (CMP, NCP)

Systems-Based Practice (CMP, NCP)

Practice-Based Learning & Improvement (CMP, NCP)

Phase 3: The six competency domains will have one of the following outcomes recorded.

Foundational Knowledge for Practice (CMP, NCP)

Patient Care (CMP, NCP)

Interpersonal & Communication Skills (CMP, NCP)

Professionalism (CMP, NCP)

Systems-Based Practice (CMP, NCP, CPD)

Practice-Based Learning & Improvement (CMP, NCP, CPD)


Effective with the entering class of Fall 2014, MD students must take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 (CK & CS) exams as part of the standard set of graduation requirements for the MD degree. In May 2020 the USMLE Step 2 CS exam was suspended and subsequently discontinued; therefore, students who matriculated 2014 or after are no longer required to take USMLE Step 2 CS.